Paula Brennan Education
The Business of Personal Brand Photography Podcast
62 : Thrive in your Photography Business in 2024
November 29th 2023
G E T  F R E E  G U I D E  F O R  E P I S O D E
Show Notes
Are you at a point where you are evaluating your photography business and want to start 2024 with gusto?

If you've tried every folio building / portrait offer / pricing combination, but just don't seem to be able to get the sales you know you need to justify the amount of time you spend on each job.

Or maybe you are running ragged chasing after small tots on portraits shoots, dealing with screaming babies and uptight parents, all with no guarantee of a pay cheque at the end... always crossing your fingers that they would actually get a decent sale to make it all worthwhile.

Or perhaps you are just feeling a little burnt out from another exhausting wedding season (and are in editing overwhelm right now) and want to make sure you don't land here (again) next year.

If you are nodding to any of the above, my friend this episode is for you. I share how you can make some changes in your business so that you feel more in flow in 2024.

Hi, I'm Paula
I am a 24-year experienced professional photographer who transitioned from demanding weddings and portraits to a high-profit, easier-hours personal branding business model. I now shoot 3 full days per month, often earning $15k+ per day and no longer work on weekends. I can guide you to overcome overwhelm and achieve success in your business.
Hi, I'm Paula
I am a 24-year experienced professional photographer who transitioned from demanding weddings and portraits to a high-profit, easier-hours personal branding business model. I now shoot 3 full days per month, often earning $15k+ per day and no longer work on weekends. I can guide you to overcome overwhelm and achieve success in your business.
  • Ep.29 - 11 Ways to Improve Your Photography Revenue
  • Ep.13 - Make it easy for your clients to say yes
  • Ep.03 - 3 Things Photographers Need to do to be Successful in Business
Future Proof Your Business with
Personal Brand Photography

I am so glad you have landed here because so many photographers across the world have been hearing crickets in their calendars, but it doesn't need to be like this.

Personal Branding is a new high-growth genre in photography can save your business, and give you a lifestyle too.

Click the link below to get your Free Guide to Grow & Thrive with Personal Branding Photography.

I hate spam, so will not share you information or dump on you!