45: Blank canvas, bold moves: Where I'd channel my energy in a photography business reset
In this episode, I delve into the challenge of getting lost in the daily grind of your photography business and losing sight of the fundamentals.
Imagine wiping the slate clean and starting anew in your business.
However, let's set aside discussions about gear since we assume you already have a camera and a decent lens. Instead, I want to make this episode actionable and relevant by breaking down how I would allocate my energy (time) and resources (money) if I were embarking on a fresh business journey.
Join me as I explore this concept that has been on my mind while striving to enhance my teaching and guidance for fellow photographers.
This exercise compelled me to take a critical look at my own business, and I can't wait to share the insights with you.
• The five key areas where I would channel my energy
• Strategies to accelerate your learning process
• Unconventional choices I would make, prioritizing them over seemingly obvious alternatives
I am a 24-year experienced professional photographer who transitioned from demanding weddings and portraits to a high-profit, easier-hours personal branding business model. I now shoot 3 full days per month, often earning $15k+ per day and no longer work on weekends. I can guide you to overcome overwhelm and achieve success in your business.