40: 3 Ways to Incorporate Video into your Photography Business
Video, we all know this is where it is at in so many places when it comes to personal branding.
But are you actioning this powerful tool in your business?
I know I know, right now you are most likely cringing and being like... but Paula.... What???? I already have so many things on my to do list, and now you want me to do video?
No, I am not suggesting you totally flip over and give away the stills aspect of your photography business. You know I am a lover of creating still images, it is my home and lifeblood of my business.
However, I do see the power of adding video in your arsenal for different purposes in your business.
And in this episode I am going to share with you how you can too.
• How getting over myself has helped me 10X my business revenue
• Using video to tell your brand story
• How to save time repeating tasks with video
• Increasing your revenue percentage per client
I am a 24-year experienced professional photographer who transitioned from demanding weddings and portraits to a high-profit, easier-hours personal branding business model. I now shoot 3 full days per month, often earning $15k+ per day and no longer work on weekends. I can guide you to overcome overwhelm and achieve success in your business.