Paula Brennan Education
The Business of Personal Brand Photography Podcast
3: 3 Things Photographers Need To Do To Be Successful In Business
April 29th 2022
Show Notes
Are you running the kind of business that you dreamt of when you first picked up that camera and were bitten by the creative bug?

Or do you find yourself spinning on the always-looking-for-new-clients treadmill.

​​I have tried and tested and made every mistake in my 23 years as a professional photographer to reach the success and ease I enjoy in my business now.

Some of the lessons I have learnt were hard ones to learn, and yet there are a few that can be avoided easily, with a little bit of awareness and a whole lot of understanding.

As creatives we spend all of our time perfecting our craft, which means that often we just don't often have enough time (or know-how) to focus on the business side of things.

When I look back over the first years of running my two different photography studios on my own, there are a few things I had focussed my attention on earlier.

Too busy looking around at what everyone else was doing.

Constantly buying new gear, props and software fixes...

Spending all my time and energy on shooting and editing left not much time to focus on the areas that would have seen me in the business (and life) success I get to enjoy now MUCH EARLIER!

Now with hindsight I can see that shiny things & overediting into the late nights were not going to get me ahead.

If you are finding yourself distracted by social media, constantly comparing yourself and constantly questioning your pricing, it is time to turn that around.

And get proactive!

In this Episode I Share:
● How to start as you mean to finish
● About respecting your time and honouring your own boundaries
● How to avoid crickets in your sales sessions
● How to create a sustainable business model
Hi, I'm Paula
I am a 24-year experienced professional photographer who transitioned from demanding weddings and portraits to a high-profit, easier-hours personal branding business model. I now shoot 3 full days per month, often earning $15k+ per day and no longer work on weekends. I can guide you to overcome overwhelm and achieve success in your business.
Hi, I'm Paula
I am a 24-year experienced professional photographer who transitioned from demanding weddings and portraits to a high-profit, easier-hours personal branding business model. I now shoot 3 full days per month, often earning $15k+ per day and no longer work on weekends. I can guide you to overcome overwhelm and achieve success in your business.
  • Ep.29 - 11 Ways to Improve Your Photography Revenue
  • Ep.13 - Make it easy for your clients to say yes
  • Ep.03 - 3 Things Photographers Need to do to be Successful in Business
Future Proof Your Business with
Personal Brand Photography

I am so glad you have landed here because so many photographers across the world have been hearing crickets in their calendars, but it doesn't need to be like this.

Personal Branding is a new high-growth genre in photography can save your business, and give you a lifestyle too.

Click the link below to get your Free Guide to Grow & Thrive with Personal Branding Photography.

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